Bird Game!


This is an early release, but I hope you enjoy the game.

I'm having difficulties posting the source code, but you can download it here.

For more info, you can reach me on twitter: @alberto0714

Here's the header with some details and possible changes.

  PCC Bird v0.1
  Date: 02-28-14
  Author: Alberto Tam Yong
  Credit: Images from Clumsy Bird open-source project
  It works! This version includes pipes and points.
  It could be considered first release version.
  Future adds:
  - Real gravity using physic laws
  - Improve space between pipes
  - Add a menu at the beginning to set up game



  PCC Bird v0.2
  Date: 03-03-14
  Author: Alberto Tam Yong
  Credit: Images from Clumsy Bird open-source project
  It works! This version includes pipes and points.
  Gravity added.
  Future adds:
  - Improve space between pipes
  - Add a menu at the beginning to set up game